• Fit Girl Fresh/FBF Body 10-year Anniversary Weekend Experience & 10 Lessons Learned

    Fit Girl Fresh Weekend doesn’t owe me a thing!!! ????You hear me?!? Not a one thang..my ENTIRE summer has been made! First and foremost, I have to publicly thank my bestie/sister, Carlyse, who has been rocking with me since the 5th grade. I expressed to Lyse how much I wanted to go to this event to meet my mentors (in…
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    7 Takeaways from The Revolution Tour with Sarah Jakes Roberts

    At the start of this year, I knew I wanted more for my life. I knew a radical shift was happening in me. I knew God was working in and through me. I could feel it! After resigning from my full time job as a HIM Director at the end of 2021 to fulfill my dream of being a full…
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