• 5 Tips For Finding The Right Therapist For You

    THERAPY…the dreaded word in the black community. 2020 was BRUTAL! It really put into perspective that life is fleeting and everything can change in what seems like the blink of an eye. Though 2020 was a trying year, it brought Husbae and I closer. By doing so, it also let us realize what we want to improve in our marriage,…
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    My First Brand Ambassador Photoshoot

    A year ago today, I had the pleasure of being in my best friend’s, Lyse, photoshoot for her FIRST product launch, The Curly Cape. I was so excited and proud (and I still am!) of my best friend for taking the leap into entrepreneurship. It was truly an honor to be asked to be apart of her new venture! As…
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    His & Hers Edition: 5 Lessons Learned In 5 Years Of Marriage

    It has been 5 years since my husband, Rich, and I have said “I do” and “I will” respectively (lol). Even though we’ve been together for 12 years now reaching this milestone seems a bit surreal. Like WOW, here we are 5 years deep in this thang! God is good because it is only by his grace and mercy that…
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    Why I Hired A Financial Advisor And Why You Should Too

    It all started 5 years ago, when I was chillin’ at my mom’s house reading an Essence magazine article (similar to this one) on why you need a financial advisor. After reading the headlines, (You’d never try to play doctor and diagnose yourself when you’re feeling ill. So why wouldn’t you take the same approach and lean on experts when…
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    Coronavirus Is Destroying My Skin! 5 Beauty Products To Incorporate In The COVID-19 …

    Washing my hands every 5 seconds (as if I wasn’t already a germophobe…le sigh) and wearing surgical masks daily has left my hands and face looking as dry as the Sahara Desert (don’t laugh!). If you know me personally, you know I’m Positive Patty all day every day. I always look at the glass as half full, so when it…
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